Is BMI 26 bad?

BMI 26 is the ultimate goal for weight or not. You can check your BMI with an online BMI calculator because it is a good start.

Currently, 650 million adults and older individuals are obese; so, one must keep a check on their BMI. it's necessary because BMI is an indicator of your health condition. BMI stands for Body Mass Index. it's a quantitative relation of one’s weight in kilograms and height in meters sq.. Accounting for the body’s natural variation provides the healthy weight range for a selected height. Hence, there can't be an absolute answer to, “is BMI 26 is bad”. For a general statement, it are often aforesaid that BMI from 18.5 to 25 is termed as traditional, 25 to 30 is overweight, and BMI over 30 is obese.

How can I check my BMI?

Checking BMI isn't that troublesome. You don’t need any device, similar to a weight machine. Rather you'll check it sitting on your couch. There are many BMI calculators on the market on-line. All you would like is to enter your weight and height in a BMI calculator to a BMI chart, and you'd recognize the body mass index to weight loss.


Why is it important to keep track of my BMI?


Sustaining your BMI 26 doesn't invariably promise good health because BMI isn't an absolute live of health. However, it doesn't mean that you just might go unchecked. Rather, you want to keep a check of your body mass index for weight loss. On the other hand, if you let your BMI uncheck, you will be at the chance of developing numerous health conditions such as:

Liver diseases


Sleep apnea



Types of cancer

High cholesterin


According to World Health Organization, close to 3 million people are dying each year simply because of obesity. It entails us to worry and share awareness concerning BMI and its implications.


BMI is simply an inspiration of your health condition. a lot of doubtless, BMI itself is simply a size measure instead of depicting the quality of health and physiological condition. However, it's not an absolute measure. Hence, you shouldn’t be cautious of maintaining a BMI 26 or less. There are people with life in danger who have excellent BMI however unhealthy lifestyles. Conversely, there ar conventionally overweight people enjoying their health standing.


Conclusion: in a nutshell, you don’t got to attempt die-hard to take care of a BMI 26. BMI isn't a direct measure of health condition. However, it provides a valuable pinpoint to begin from.

Muqadam Navicosoft

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