Food & Beverage Sales agency In India

A lot of food and beverage sales agency company are emerging and taking up the work load of sales of goods from its partner companies. With its experienced sales team its clear objective is to any how increase the volume of sales. Along with maintaining the sales it too promotes the produc

    Food Beverage Sales agency In India



Now sales by any food and beverage sales agency is done in following ways

  1. Field sales

Field sales is a process in which sales staff visit customers to sell goods in person .the outside sales are managed by the sales agency field sales representatives and other sales staff who coordinate with them . They work for both wholesaler and B2B (business to business) organisations.

The effectiveness of field sales depends upon the relationship building capacity. Field sales depend on long term contacts that sales representatives make with their customer. Visiting customers in recurring basis for placing or replenishing order are able to build a friendly relation with client who is certain for happy client and leads to maximum profitability.

By field sales we are able to achieve the following objectives:

  • Close deals at high rate
  • Strengthen relationship with existing clients
  • Cultivate new leads
  • Represent and promote brand doing customer interaction
  • Educate customer how the product could benefit them economically
  • Monitor competitor , new product and market
  1. Direct selling

Next initiative taken by the sales agency is direct selling where sales representatives reach directly to consumers at home or work or through online medium. This is the process which eliminates the real of middleman and the need of distributors and wholesalers.

Thus it significantly reduces the selling price and increases the profitability. But for it a strong strategy is required for targeting the target audience it’s basically a type of network marketing.

There are basically three types of direct selling

  • Single level direct sales: it process of one to one sales as through door to door sales via sales person presentation. this also includes sales via online medium
  • Host or party plan sales: this involves distributors or their representatives at the client home giving presentation of product. In return of assures sales they are rewarded with commission or bonuses.
  • Multi-level marketing (MLM): it is composite marketing plan also called as network marketing  which includes both of the above marketing tool it include single party presentation or online selling via catalogues . Here also earning is commission based.
  1. Door to door sales

Door to door traveling technique is generally used for generating sales, marketing, campaigning, and advertising. In this a sales person travels door to door to sell products to general public, gather information in form of survey.

It’s a part of direct sales involving cold calling then presenting products and services and further on convincing compelling customer to complete the sales.

This is the main strategy adopted by any food and beverage sales agency before

  • store activation
  • product launch
  • product demonstration
  • product sampling
  1. B2B sales

B2B or business to business sales are to companies or to other business rather than selling them to consumer .B2B (Business to business) is often more complex when compared to B2C (Business to consumer) sales. Its target is not only to complete the sales but also to provide the goods based on specific terms and conditions.

B2B sales occurs in 2 types in first type where the manufacturing company product meets the business needs and the company approaches to the manufacturer for example any company needs computer equipment which is manufactured by other company then this agreement occurs.

Second B2B sales type is where selling of products is stimulated by the other supply chain business suppose a car assembling company ties up with a tyre manufacturing company.

A sales agency not only focuses on its physical assets and manpower but also on its tactical tricks to penetrate the market and place its partner product in market. So the activation of product is done by the sales agency by promotion advertisement.

Sales promotion: Sales promotion is the process by which one persuades a customer to buy a product. This is very useful in case of food and beverage industry. It’s a kind of short term marketing tool used in order to boost the sales. It’s useful far the reason that it helps to build long term customer loyalty.

Before starting any sales promotion one must take into account the following points

  • Cost of promotion: it should not exceed a limit. Otherwise we will not be able to recover that cost easily.
  • Competitors : A full description of all the competitors should be known and strategy should be framed beforehand to combat them
  • Distribution of various free gifts and loyalty cards would be very beneficial as it will support the growth of your business along with increasing the loyalty of customers
  • Presentation of promotion via posters display stands should be at best and place strategic place to target the target audience.


Coupons are the strategic tool used by the marketers across the retail industries to attract consumers. They are of various forms such as

  • Free standing inserts: these coupons are loosely inserted within the newspaper or mails and when consumer buys the product he receives the coupons and hence then he get it and can avail the offer after producing the coupon.
  • Merchant printed coupons: this is a special coupon provided to customer when he or she completes the purchase. This coupon intent is to persuade the customer for revisit to the place of purchase so that he can avail the benefit of coupon as a result triggering the future purchase.
  • Cross product promotion: this strategy is of promotion is unique in its own sense it allows customer to avail the benefit of other coupon on the other product. For example a tooth paste can have an offer coupon giving discount on tooth brush of same brand. It’s a marketing mix strategy which aims at much conclusive and positive sales response.

Only coupons is not sufficient for a successful marketing campaign other common strategy framed by the food and beverage sales agency for the promotion of the product are:

  • Product display: in this process the product is displayed for the public living nearby. When they see the product they often purchase it as it’s easily available. the purchase of the product is faster when the product has an benefit attached to it like coupon or any discount tag this is a sales strategy common in nature and we all would have faced such promotion .
  • Free sample: Free sample are provided by the sales team in order to provide customers with experience either of the new product or modified version of the product so that they can be convinced for the purchase. Though the free samples are bit costlier for the firm but its impact on consumer loyalty is immense. It also increases the brand reputation in front of consumers.
  • Offering free trial : in case of tangible assets we may offer free sample but what if the product is intangible or it’s a kind of service then we offer free trail so that the consumer can experience and judge whether the product suits their need or not . After the satisfaction they go for the purchase.
  • Giving free gifts: gifts are the key which can open any lock. Similarly gifting items or useful product sample to the public for trying increases the brand awareness, brand reputation and the possibility that if the product is liked by the consumer he would revisit for purchase.
  • Social media influencer program: social media campaign and influencer program could also be run in order to attract customers globally. Global reach could be achieved by Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and similar platform. It’s very economical and customisable. The social media influencer program strategy is generally framed by sales agencies and it has experts whose main aim is to drive the amount of sales.
  • Using digital marketing: use of digital marketing in food and beverage industry is the new trend where we set up ads on search engine, websites, and blogs. With which we try to educate the person about the product and also try to persuade them for purchase.
  • Website:
  • Contact us: 9766209900

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