How Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Highlighted the Importance of Having Health Insurance in Our Lives?

First and foremost, the pandemic has shifted people's mindsets by making them realize that contracting the disease is now a distinct possibility. Health insurance used to be considered an afterthought, sometimes at the bottom of a person's hierarchy of needs, but it has now bec

  • People now feel that purchasing health insurance plans is more of a requirement than a choice, given the panic-like atmosphere surrounding the disease.
  • People used to believe that if they saved enough money, they could cover the costs of a medical emergency. Furthermore, many citizens felt that their employer-provided health benefits would be sufficient to provide coverage. These views have shifted as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.
  • With the rapid increase in coronavirus cases, people realized that health insurance is just as critical as proper health care. They would be able to live a healthy life while still having access to high-quality health care if they had the right health insurance package. Health insurance will cover their financial targets in the long run.
  • People now realize that the cost of medical care, if they test positive for coronavirus, will put their financial health in jeopardy, because medical inflation is rising at twice the rate of overall retail inflation.
  • The best coronavirus health insurance coverage will cover a wide range of medical costs, including pre and post-hospitalization expenses, COVID-19 hospitalization expenses, homecare services recommended by a medical practitioner, ICU costs, treatment for comorbidities, and access to alternative therapies like AYUSH.


As a result of the coronavirus outbreak, people's attitudes toward health insurance have changed. People have realized the value of health insurance as an unexpected medical emergency has become a distinct possibility. You must use a reputable and trustworthy source for purchasing health insurance before purchasing a policy.

You will find the best health insurance policy on GIBL.IN, India's fastest growing insurance marketplace, where you can instantly get to choose from a number of standard COVID-19 health insurance plans offered by different insurers with a variety of benefits such as flexible sum insured, coverage for home care, and much more

Kriti Kumari

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