What is infertility? IS IVF the first step? Is there a thing as male infertility? What about it? What is IUI?

Infertility is the lack of pregnancy after a year of unprotected sex. This is widely considered to be a female issue. Whereas on the contrary, males and females are equally likely to be infertile.

There are a lot of factors contributing to infertility and worldwide around 60-80 mi

Infertility is the lack of pregnancy after a year of unprotected sex. This is widely considered to be a female issue. Whereas on the contrary, males and females are equally likely to be infertile.

There are a lot of factors contributing to infertility and worldwide around 60-80 million couples are facing this problem and seeking out treatment for it.

In this article, we will dive deep into female and male infertility issues, their causes, and potential treatments.

Female Infertility

Fertility in women decreases with increasing age. The age of 16 to 25 is considered to be the most fertile time for a woman to conceive. The first sign of infertility in women can be seen if there is no pregnancy after 6 months of trying. The most basic factor for female infertility is age. The older the woman, the slimmer her chances of conception.

But nowadays, infertility is seen in women of all ages. The steps of pregnancy start with the release of a matured egg from either of the ovaries. This matured egg meets with the sperm in the fallopian tube and the created embryo must reach the uterus and attach with the uterine lining for successful implantation. Then the embryo grows to be a fetus and later a baby.

Any problem in one or several of these steps may result in infertility. Impaired fecundity is a condition related to infertility, in which a woman struggles to conceive or carry the pregnancy to term.

Causes of female infertility

Conceiving a child and carrying the pregnancy to term is a very complex process. A lot of things can lead to infertility or miscarriage. Here is a list of the most common causes of infertility.

  • Irregular Menstrual Cycle.
  • Failure to Ovulate.
  • STIs and other vaginal or uterine infections
  • PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)/ POI (Primary Ovary Insufficiency)
  • Uterine Fibroids
  • Structural Reproductive Problems
  • Implantation Failure
  • Endometriosis

This list does not include all the factors responsible for infertility. But if you are facing any problems related to infertility, it’s highly recommended to see an endocrinologist (An infertility specialist).

IVF and its role in curing Infertility

While addressing infertility, the topic of IVF is usually next in line. But surprisingly, IVF is not the first cure in treating Infertility.

Usually, after the diagnosis of thecause and conduction of the required tests, doctors suggest fertility drugs. Depending upon the cause of infertility the recommended drugs may differ. Some of the most come fertility drugs are Clomid (clomiphene citrate), Gonadotropins, including LH, FSH, and hCG, Femara (letrozole), and Arimidex (anastrozole) to name a few.

Generally, 85%- 90% percent of couples facing infertility, are treated with low tech-treatments, like fertility drugs or surgeries. Only up to 5% of couples need reproductive technologies like IVF.

Women above the age of 35 are suggested an IVF treatment. IVF is one of the last resorts of assisted reproductive treatments available. This treatment is carried out in cycles, the chances of successful pregnancy and childbirth with IVF are even less.

It is a highly developed treatment in which an egg is fused with the sperm in the lab and later implanted into the women’s womb for fetus formation.

Couples going through IVF for the first time rarely experience a successful pregnancy. It takes a couple of IVF cycles for a successful pregnancy to occur.

Couples are advised to carry out the IVF process through a proper IVF center under the consultation of expert doctors. Also, a little bit of homework never hurts!

Male Infertility

While talking about infertility, the issue of male infertility is not highlighted as much as it should be. Male infertility is responsible for the lack of pregnancy equally as much as female infertility.

Male infertility is a health issue faced by a man which reduces the chances of his female partner getting pregnant after a period of unprotected sex.

Male infertility is a bit difficult to diagnose as often the problem is with the quality, quantity of sperm production, and its delivery.

A semen examination is the first step in the diagnosis of male infertility. The doctor often looks into medical history and the sexual drive of the man to cure male infertility.

The sperm needs to travel a long distance from the organ it is produced in till its fusion with the egg in the female body. A lot of things can go wrong in the process, which may lead to male infertility.

Causes of Male Infertility

Below are the most common reasons for male infertility-

  • Sperm Disorder
  • Retrograde Ejaculation
  • STIs
  • Immunological Infertility
  • Obstacles
  • Hormones
  • Medication
  • Drugs/ Alcohol
  • Varicoceles
  • Erectile Disfunctioning (ED)

All of these causes can be cured by medical assistance under the consultation of a specialized doctor. Men facing infertility can undergo medication or surgery to cure it.

IVF and IUI are also viable options to consider for couples facing infertility.

What is IUI Treatment?

IUI (Intrauterine insemination), is often referred to as artificial insemination. It is closely related to male infertility, as it is one of the prime treatments for male infertility.

In IUI, specially prepared sperm is inserted in the female’s vagina for fertilization to occur. The sperm inserted is usually washed and concentrated for better results.

Sometimes the woman is also treated with medication to stimulate ovulation before IUI.

The sperm used in IUI can be from the couple or a sperm donor, depending upon the severity of the male fertility issue and the couple’s choice, especially in the case of same-sex couples.

IUI treatment is one of the best ways of assisted pregnancy. The success rate of IUI increases with the number of IUI cycles performed and reaches 95% till the fourth cycle. Almost 90% of women are impregnated within the first 3-6 cycles of IUI treatment.

It is a great treatment for male infertility or unknown infertility issues.


Vinay sethi

30 ब्लॉग पदों
