How to manage a cpanel license?

As of January 2020, cPanel is currently authorised supported the amount of active cPanel license accounts on the server.



As of January 2020, cPanel is currently authorised supported the amount of active cPanel license accounts on the server. As such, most suppliers have a cPanel license management system currently available.

In this article, we’ll walk you thru the way to add, delete, and manage a cPanel license on your servers.



To set a cheap Panel License information science you actually simply have to be compelled to follow these two fast steps. one among which might be to line the ip of your server that you simply would like to use the cPanel license on. Second you'd need to activate the License in your cPanel. Once these two steps area unit done you ought to be able to created your new cPanel/WHM on your server.

First we are going to have to be compelled to tell the cPanel License that server it'll be allotted to. to try and do this we might have to be compelled to add the servers information science address to the cPanel License, so as to register it.

Step 2 involves ever-changing the ip address for your server.



Next is incredibly easy to activate your cPanel License. First, login to your VPS through SSH or the Get VNC choice within the Cloud management Portal. If you've got an avid Server, you'd got to use SSH. Once you login merely run the subsequent code associate degreed you ought to see an activation message.


Now you should be able to log in to your WHM to configure your cPanel for your server.



cPanel is generally accessed using SSL on port 2083 or just by adding “/cpanel” to the tip Domain Name/Host name. additionally a cPanel license usually supports many alternative plugins to support hosting trade like one click installer, softaclous, CSF and etc to create it additional reliable.


Take stock of any cPanel license accounts that may be incorporated into a master account. a number of your users might not need cPanel access in any respect. during this case, their primary domain may be reborn into Associate in Nursing add-on domain beneath a master cPanel account.

Remember that VPS, Dedicated, and Reseller accounts will produce unlimited add-on domains that area unit primarily separate websites managed beneath one cheap cPanel license. for several things this could prove the foremost advantageous and easier to manage.




Navico Web

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