What is cPanel? Sound benefits of cPanel license

Using cPanel and hence cPanel license, you can efficiently manage the files and databases alongside customizing your email accounts and domains.


Every individual wants to have easy assistance choices for web building needs on his end. For instance, control panels are the ones that help you with the management. This post spotlights the benefits of cPanel license, such an amazing assistant for you.

But before moving on to the cPanel license, first, let’s dig in to find out why you need it.

What exactly is a cPanel?

cPanel is a control panel having a graphical interface and viable automation features. These features offer favorable options to the hosting owner, website owner, or the user to manage web hosting.

Specifically, this easy-to-use interface lets you modify and customize the hosting accounts according to your needs.

What cPanel can help you with?

With cPanel, you can tailor the following (bold headings) in the typical ways (explanation) but not limited to them.


  • Configuring new domains to the hosting account
  • Setting up parked domains (the domains that you have bought (reserved) but are not using for a website or services)
  • Creating subdomains
  • Establishing redirects


  • Creating New email accounts besides viewing and altering the current email accounts.
  • Adjusting the MX records
  • Changing the passwords
  • Setting up mailbox quotas


  • Building new databases
  • Easy access to databases via phpMyAdmin
  • Establishing remote access to your MySQL


  • Backing up the cPanel account
  • Monitoring the disk usage
  • Access and control to change the stored files in the account
  • FTP accounts creation and management

Benefits of cPanel license

Well, if you want to ease your server management and have all these benefits. Then you need to buy the cPanel license. That is, the cPanel license is the only way with which you can activate your cPanel function.

Additionally, the license opens up the door to customization no matter which scale hosting you are using for your website or the business.

Therefore, Navicosoft steps forward to make this profitable entity available to you. What else is that you didn’t have to worry about the pricing since Navicosoft being the cPanel partner, provides discounts. Thus you can expect a cheap cPanel license to start controlling your hosting accounts on your own.




Navico Web

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