How can I buy domain from PKNIC Card? - Handy Guideline

What is PKNIC Card, and how to buy a domain name with PKNIC? Now It is much easier to kick-start your emanate online business. Here is a handy guideline

As we live in the digitalized era, where almost all the businesses are sustain and emerge with the hook of Internet to prevail across the globe. Last year in 2020, most of the businesses tend to move online during the pandemic tenure. Therefore, businesses are hassling to make online visibility by getting a website or registering a domain. So, with the top notch Web Hosting Company, you can buy a domain name via PKNIC card.



PKNIC Card alias PKNIC Prepaid Card is a digital prepaid card coded with PIN numbers to register or renew any .PK ccTLDs (country-code Top Level Domain) under the PKNIC SRS (Shared Registry System). It is specially use to run the domain which is available for Pakistan like,, etc. It is as handy as a mobile prepaid card to register or renew the PKNIC domain for two years with convenience flexibility.


Handy guideline to buy domain from PKNIC:

Step # 1:

Find a free domain name checker 

This is a first key start to ridding the journey to buy a domain, where you can find a unique domain name by a lookup checker for availability.


Step # 2:

Get a domain name search: 

Now enter your covet name in the search bar and take it for a twist. The domain lookup checker will pop up with a list of available privilege that you can register. Use the domain extension filter to search for the exact extension you interested in. 


Step # 3: 

Catch your domain:

  • The maximum size of the domain name is depend on 63 characters, excluding the .pk section. With “.pk” suffix, it should be up to 67 characters.
  • The minimal length of a domain name in second-level domain names need to be four characters apart from the .PK portion. For instance, 
  • When it comes to the third-level domain name, the minimal domain of one character is allowed. In addition, you cannot register the domain like 
  • A domain can never ever be started with a dash at the beginning, or with any kind of two successive dashes. Beware concerning that, while picking a domain name.


Once you follow the above step to get a domain from PKNIC Card, then your business will pave among the competitive digital market across the globe. 

Muqadam Navicosoft

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