Things to Keep in Mind When Repainting Your House

Repainting your home frequently is needed to give it a new and fresh look. The practice is for enhancing the appearance of the house or for covering up cracked wall paints. You can't, however, paint the house whenever you want. You set aside specific times to paint the interior and


Best Time to Paint Your House Exterior?


Take into consideration the weather to help you get the results you wanted. Chose the driest time of the year to paint your house. Painting your home when the temperature is at least 50 degrees is ideal. If the weather forecast tells you that there are chances of rain, skip that day! And a day after that. The wet surface of your house won't let the paint sit on as it should. 

So, to paint your house perfectly chose springs or summers. 



Best Time to Paint Your House Interior?


Painting indoors can be easier than painting outdoors. You can ignore the weather conditions and can paint whenever you want to. But, keep in mind that you should be painting your house at the time of year when you are expecting fewer possible guests. 


Do’s When Painting a House


  1. Be critical of every imperfection when painting the interior. The details of the exterior paint can be ignored. But when it comes to house interiors, you need to take notes of each fault to have a nice final look. 
  2. Selecting a color and buying it just because you like it can turn out to look unpleasing sometimes. The suggestion is to buy paint in small quantities and then testing on a wall.
  3. Calculate how much paint you need. You must know the exact amount of paint you will need to cover per square foot. Excess paint would only add up to your costs and will be wasted.
  4. Have the right tools and equipment to paint your house in a better way.
  5. Select a color palette or theme that you want to paint your interior and exterior with.
  6. Surf over the internet and take inspiration from there. But, keep in mind that the pictures on the internet are taken by professional photographers in the best lightings. They retouch them after as well. Your house in Lahore Smart City will look different from the one in the picture. Even if you used the exact colors. 


Don'ts When Painting a House


  1. Don't paint your house in extreme heat. The paint will crack up.
  2. Extreme winters will not allow the house exterior to dry quickly. Therefore, don't paint in severe winters.
  3. Don't paint your house when you are planning to invite guests over. The paint takes time to dry. So, it won't be a good idea.
  4. Don't move furniture around the very next day you finished painting.
  5. Don't apply paint over already painted walls. Wash the walls, remove grease. Then prime the walls and paint them.
  6. Don't shy away from taking the help. If you think you can't do all of this on your own. Hire a top contractor to do the job for you. It would indeed cost you, but the house will end up looking welcoming by the end.
  7. Don't paint your house with complete dark shades of a color. Have 2/3 area of dark color, and 1/3 of it must be light. It will balance or soften the look of the house. And will prevent it from looking gloomy. 
  8. Don't buy cheap paints to save money.



In conclusion, let us know in the comments below if you liked our blog or not. Plus, share with us your do’s and don’ts when you of repaint your house.






Minahil Rehman

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