Helambu Circuit Trekking - Himalayan Frozen Adventure

The Helambu circuit trek is a short limited adventure and beautiful landscapes attraction destination in the Langtang region, this trek offers traditional culture, wonderful mountains, and enough adventure too. The trek is said to be a straightforward, low altitude and suitable for mixed a


  • Beautiful pine forests, green meadows, and Rhododendron flowers
  • Amazing views of Langtang Lirung (7,345m), Gaurishankar (7,145m), and Ganesh Himal (7,406m),
  • Explore the Shivapui National Park
  • Visit the ancient monasteries, Buddhist culture, shrines, and stupas
  • Tibetan, Tamang, Sherpa, and Hyolmo community
  • The highest altitude point will be at 3500m.

About Helambu Circuit Trekking

The Helambu circuit trek is a short limited adventure and beautiful landscapes attraction destination in the Langtang region, this trek offers traditional culture, wonderful mountains, and enough adventure too. The trek is said to be a straightforward, low altitude and suitable for mixed ability hikers. Helambu circuit trek is a suitable place for the traveler who loves from the natural and cultural heart. The trek offers magnificent Himalayan views of Ganesh Himal (7,405m), Dorje Lhakpa (6,990m), Langtang Lirung (7,245m), and peaks.

Helambu circuit trek is nearby journey from Kathmandu Valley, the ancient monastery with border of Tibet make enthralling experience, this region peoples follows the Tibetan origin and same look like Tibetans. During the trek, you will get to see endangered species of animals, land of forests, flora, and fauna, Similarly, local tour operator offers amazing hospitality. Helambu Circuit trekking is also understood that the beginning of an adventure, also gives excitement for other trekking. Tharepati is the highest point of the trek which elevation is (3,650m), so the Helambu Circuit trek difficulty can be marked easy in terms of technical climbing but does demand strong determination to go on the Helambu Circuit trekking 8 days, and you have to walk around 5-7 hours per day. The trekking includes amazing traditional cultural, walk through dense forests of Bamboo, Rhodendron, cross paddy terraces, beautiful waterfalls, explore several Buddhist monasteries as well as breathtaking views of snow-capped Himalayas. The Langtang region aptly called the valley of glaciers, valley provides slow-moving rivers, swift mountain streams, snow-capped peaks, meadows strewn with daisies and wild primulas.

Helambu Circuit trekking itinerary begins from UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Kathmandu and takes a scenic drive to Sundari Jal then the trek leads through Shivapuri National Park, explore the inhabits a wealth of rare birds, wildlife, and unique plants and flowers. Similarly, trail will go-ahead the beautiful village of Chisopani, Kutumsang, Thadepati, and Sermathang, where you can get amazing hospitality from Helambu people. And Finally, reaches Melamchi Bazar which last day of this trek, then tomorrow we'll drive back to Kathmandu valley.

We, Himalayan Frozen Adventure designed this short package for all of ages, which just for eight days to enjoy at Langtang region Helambu trek. Spring from March to April and Autumn from October to November is the best season to go on Helambu Circuit trekking. For Helambu Circuit trekking cost or any other information, feel free to get in touch anytime with us. We provide perfect services of our customers, easy way to contact WhatApps Viber: 9840396708 (Govinda) and Email: [email protected]




Himalayan Frozen Adventure

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