Lower Mustang Trek - Himalayan Frozen Adventure

An amazing beautiful Lower Mustang Trek is a short and easy experience of Mustang region, the trek leads a moderate trek through the famous region of Annapurna and Mustang with mesmerizing mountains views of Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges as well as you will explore historical places.


  • Sightseeing around the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Kathmandu.
  • A scenic flight from Pokhara to Jomsom.
  • Explore the Tibetan culture and the local lifestyle.
  • Follow the world deepest gorges Kali Gandaki Valley.
  • Pass through the ancient trade route to Tibet.
  • Visit the oldest monastery and Gompas with historical places.
  • Magnification mountains of Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges.
  • Visit the pre-Buddhist Bon village of Lupra and wonderful Red Gompa.
  • Reach one of the holiest Hindu pilgrimage sites in Nepal "Muktinath".
  • Get a short of time lot of joy.

About Lower Mustang Trek

An amazing beautiful Lower Mustang Trek is a short and easy experience of Mustang region, the trek leads a moderate trek through the famous region of Annapurna and Mustang with mesmerizing mountains views of Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges as well as you will explore historical places, Tibetan Buddhist cultural, peaceful landscapes of Lower Mustang, deep gorge Kali Gandaki river, an ancient trade route to Tibet.  Jomsom, Muktinath, and Kagbeni are the major attraction places of this trek, where you get to see various ethnic groups culture and lovely surrounding landscapes. This Lower Mustang Trekking takes us from subtropical jungle to the high-altitude desert of the enormous Tibetan plateau, Lower Mustang Trek route most popular pilgrimage site journey for Hindus and Buddhists religions. Lower Mustang 9 days trek also called as "The Forbidden Kingdom" it is one of the most wonderful adventurous trekking routes in Himalayan Nepal. The altitude of this trek is not too high but you will get incredible Himalayan experience, so the trek includes all of the age trekkers without any risk.

This Lower Mustang Trek is situated in the northern part of Himalaya besides and southern part of enormous Tibetan plateau. During the trek, you'll discover the pristine monasteries, fantastic lifestyle of this region peoples, largest protected biodiversity zone, desolated valley, and unique traditional culture of Mustang region community. Gurung and Magar community give you warm welcome as well as you can see the scenic Himalayan panorama of Dhaulagiri (8167m), Annapurna (8091m), Manaslu (8156m), Lamjung Himal (6983m), Machapuchhre (6993m), Tukuche Peak (6920m), Tilicho Peak (7134m), Nilgiri (6940m), and other. This trek map route touches the world deepest gorges Kali Gandaki Valley and ancient trading way of Tibet. Lovely settlements of Kagbeni, Muktinath, Jharkot, and Lupra is an ideal option to taste of Mustang region without paying the expensive Upper Mustang permit, there you will enjoy the arid landscapes and rain shadow of the Himalaya. Lower Mustang Trek highlights are the holy Hindu pilgrimage site of Muktinath, the old fortress town of Kagbeni, unique landscape, and mix culture of Tibetan and Nepalese,

Our 9 days Lower Mustang Trekking Itinerary begins from Pokhara after sightseeing around the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Kathmandu and having seven hours drive. Pokhara is our starting and ending points of this 9 days trek, from Pokhara airport, you will take scenic mountain flight to Jomsom and trekking heads towards to Kagbeni passing by Kali Gandaki gorge and beautiful villages. Then the trek goes through the green fields amidst rocky, 100-year-old brick-red Sayaka Gompa, Lo Manthang, and red Gompa. Likewise, you can see mesmerise landscapes, magnification mountain peaks, and traditional culture during the trek. Leaving Jharkot and red Gompa behind, the trail leads us to an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists and Hindus Muktinath, where you will explore the world's highest temples (3800m) and surrounding natural landscapes. From Muktinath, Lower Mustang trek route descends to Jomsom via Lupra, then you fly back to Pokhara, which is famous for boating, rafting and extreme sports like rafting, and other activities. Finally, you'll drive back to Kathmandu.




Himalayan Frozen Adventure

23 בלוג פוסטים
