Risk and Resilience | Risk Central | Gieom

"Risk refers to the possibility of harm or loss occurring in a particular situation or activity. It can be caused by internal or external factors such as natural disasters, accidents, or human error. The degree of risk varies depending on the circumstances and can range from minor to severe.
Resilience, on the other hand, refers to the ability to recover from adversity or difficult situations. It is the capacity to adapt and bounce back from challenges or setbacks. Resilience can be developed and strengthened over time through various strategies and practices such as social support, positive thinking, and problem-solving skills.
Both risk and resilience are important concepts in many areas of life, including personal development, business, and community planning. Understanding the risks involved in a particular situation and developing strategies to mitigate those risks is essential to minimize negative outcomes. Building resilience can also help individuals and organizations to cope with and recover from difficult situations, ultimately leading to a more positive outcome." for more information visit: https://www.gieom.com/products/risk-central/ #riskandresilience #riskcentral #gieom


Risk and Resilience | Risk Central | Gieom

Risk Central provides a structured framework to manage, monitor and report critical risks that impact your business objectives and strategy.