Risk tolerance | Performance Management | Gieom Risk Central

Risk tolerance refers to an individual's willingness to take risks with their investments or financial decisions. It is often measured by assessing an individual's willingness to accept volatility and potential losses in their portfolio in exchange for potentially higher returns. A person with a high risk tolerance is comfortable taking on more risk and volatility in their investments, while a person with a low risk tolerance prefers more stable and less volatile investments, even if it means lower potential returns. It is important to consider an individual's risk tolerance when making investment decisions to ensure that their investments align with their goals and comfort level with risk. For more information visit: https://www.gieom.com/solution....s/risk-based-perform #risktolerance #perfomancemanagement #gieomriskcentral


Risk tolerance | Performance Management | Gieom Risk Central

Risk tolerance is the acceptable level of uncertainty or loss an individual or organization is willing to endure in decision-making.